Senin, 27 September 2010

Heart Failure Disease

Its medical term is called the "Heart Failure or Cardiac Failure", is a medical emergency in which the amount of blood pumped by the heart a person every minute (cardiac output (cardiac output)) is not able to meet the needs of the body's normal metabolism. Conditions of heart failure disease does not mean that the heart stops working (cardiac arrest), but the heart is no longer able to pump blood as well as its day-to-day for a person's body.

Impact of rapid heart failure affect the deficiency of blood supply, thus causing cell death due to lack of oxygen carried in the blood yand itself. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain (cerebral hypoxia), causing a person to lose consciousness and stop breathing suddenly resulting in death.

Congestive heart failure in infants and children is an emergency that is frequently encountered by officers kesehata. Complaints and symptoms vary widely, often difficult to distinguish from other diseases outside the heart.

  • Cause Disease Heart Failure
    Heart failure can be caused by primary disorders of the heart muscle itself or the burden of excessive heart. Most likely factor that causes heart failure disease are people who have hipertenisi disease, hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), smoking, diabetes (diabetes), obesity (overweight) and someone who has a family history of heart disease and life course patterns are not regular and less air sports.

  • Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure Disease
    Signs and symptoms of heart failure disease can be differentiated based on which part of the heart's impaired pumping of blood, more details as follows:
    • left heart failure; cause collection of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema), which causes severe shortness of breath. In the beginning, shortness of breath is felt only when someone doing the activity, but in line with worsening shortness of breath, the disease will also arise when patients are not doing activities. While other marks are quickly tired (fatigue), anxiety / worry (anxity), rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), cough and irregular heart rhythm degub (Arrhythmia).
    • The right heart failure, tends to cause the collection of blood that flows into the right heart. So this causes swelling in the feet, ankles, legs, abdomen (ascites) and liver (hepatomegaly). Other signs are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, and frequent urination (urine) at night (nocturia)

  • Disease Diagnosis Heart Failure
    Diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms complained of or that looked directly at examination. To strengthen the diagnosis, the doctor will perform various checks, for example;
    • Physical examination, the pulse weak and rapid pulse, decreased blood pressure, abnormal heart sounds, enlarged heart, swollen neck veins, fluid in the lungs, liver enlargement, rapid weight gain, swelling of the stomach or leg.
    • X-ray examination or X-ray (Roentgen), on the chest may reveal an enlarged heart and fluid collection in the lungs.
    • Inspection echocardiography (using sound waves to depict the heart) and electrocardiography (assessing the electrical activity of the heart).

  • Treatment of Heart Failure Disease
    There are three basic things that a reference such as the treatment of heart failure itself, treatment of underlying disease and treatment of trigger factors.
    Included in the medical treatment is to reduce fluid and salt retention, increased cardiac contractility and reduce burden. While handling generally includes rest, setting the temperature and humidity, oxygen, fluid and diet.

    Provision of drugs, such as inotropic drugs (digitalis, intravenous inotropic drugs), vasodilator drugs (arteriolar dilators: hidralazin), venodilator (nitrate, nitroglycerin), mixed dilators (prazosin, captopril, nitroprusid), diuretics and drugs dysrhythmias.

    Surgery, this is usually done to cope with congenital heart disease (palliative, corrective) and acquired heart disease (valvuloplasti, valve replacement).

  • Disease Prevention Heart Failure
    Examined immediately by a doctor for those of you who feel the signs and symptoms as mentioned above. Reduce factors that can cause heart failure condition, stop smoking, reduce the consumption of fatty foods, try exercise, patterns or danger of life regularly. Of course, for those who suffered or suffer from diseases that can result in heart failure should lead the attack routine to kontrolkan myself to the doctor, for example, people with high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes (Diabetes), the buildup of plaque (cholesterol or other) in heart blood vessels ( Coronary Artery Disease).

Mumps or Parotitis

Infectious diseases where a person is infected by a virus (paramyxovirus) which attacks the salivary glands (parotid glands) in the ear and the jaw that causes swelling of the neck of the top or bottom cheek. Parotitis Mumps or scattered around the world and can occur in endemic or epidemic, this disorder tends to attack children aged 2-12 years. In adults, this infection attacks the testes (testicles), central nervous system, pancreas, prostate, breast and other organs. Those who use or consume certain drugs to suppress the thyroid gland hormones and their Iodine deficiency in the body at greater risk for suffering or contracting this disease.

  • Transmission of Mumps or Parotitis
Mumps spread of the virus can be transmitted through direct contact, splashing saliva, vomit material, possibly with urine. The virus can be found in the urine from the first day until the fourteenth day after the enlargement of the gland. Mumps disease is extremely rare in children younger than 2 years, it is because generally they still have or be protected by good anti-bodies. Someone who had suffered from mumps disease, then he will have lifetime immunity.

  • Signs and Symptoms of Mumps or Parotitis
The period of bud (incubation period) Mumps disease approximately 12-24 days with an average of 17-18 days. Signs and symptoms that arise after infection and the development of the buds can be described sdebagai follows:
• In the early stages (1-2 days) Mumps sufferers experience symptoms of fever (body temperature 38.5 - 40 degrees Celsius), headaches, muscle aches, loss of appetite, pain when chewing the back of the jaw and occasionally accompanied by stiff jaw (hard open mouth).
• Then there swollen glands under the ears (parotid), begins with swelling of one side of the gland and then the two have swollen glands.
• Swelling usually lasts about 3 days and then gradually deflated.
• Sometimes, swelling occurs in the glands under the jaw (submandibular) and the glands under the tongue (sublingual). In the men behind adalanya legally scrotal swelling (testes) because of the spread through the bloodstream.

  • Diagnosis of Mumps or Parotitis
Diagnosis is established when there is clearly a symptom of infection in pemeirksaan physical epidemika parotitis, including details of contact with patients Mumps 2-3 weeks earlier.

  • Laboratory Examination
In addition to leucopenia with relative limfosiotsis, also showed that the increase in serum amylase levels that reached a peak after one week and then be back to normal within two weeks. If it does not appear swollen glands under the ears, but other signs and symptoms of mumps disease that leads to doubt the diagnosis. Doctors will give an order to do further tests such as blood serum. At less there are 3 test serum (serologic) to prove the specific mumps antibodies: antibodies, complement fixation (CF), Hemagglutination inhibitor antibodies (HI), virus neutralizing antibodies (NT).

  • Complications Due to Illness Mumps
Almost all children who suffer from mumps will recover fully without complications, but sometimes the symptoms come back worse after about 2 weeks. This condition can cause complications, which the virus can invade organs other than salivary glands. This may occur especially if the infection occurs after puberty.
Below are the complications that can occur due to handling or a lack of early treatment:
• Ovoritis of inflammation in one or both ovaries TELUS. Arise mild abdominal pain and rarely causes sterility.
• Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, can occur at the end of the first week. Patients feel the nausea and vomiting accompanied by abdominal pain. These symptoms will disappear within 1 week and patients will recover completely.
• Orchitis is inflammation of one or both testicles. After recovery, the affected testis may shrink. Rarely testicular permanent damage resulting in infertility.
• Encephalitis or meningitis which is inflammation of the brain or the lining of the brain. Symptoms include headache, neck stiffness, drowsiness, coma or convulsions. 5-10% have meningitis and most patients will recover completely. 1 in 400-6000 patients experiencing enserfalitis likely suffered brain damage or permanent nerve, such as deafness or paralysis of facial muscles.
• Inflammation of the kidney can cause sufferers out of the thick urine in significant amounts
• Inflammation of the joints can cause pain in one or several joints.

  • Mumps Disease Treatment
The purpose of treatment to reduce patient complaints and rest during the hot and swollen parotid. Can be used in heat and pain relief medication (antipyretics and analgesics) Aspirin should not be given to children because it has the risk of Reye's syndrome.

In patients who experience swelling of the testicles, the patient should undergo a rest bed rest in bed. The pain can be reduced with ice compress on the swollen testicle area. While patients who experienced a virus attack apada organ pancreas, the cause of symptoms of nausea and vomiting should be given fluids intravenously.

Corticosteroids for 2-4 days and 20 ml of convalescent gammaglobulin is expected to prevent the occurrence of orchitis. Against the virus itself can not be influenced by the anti-microbial, so treatment is only oriented to relieve symptoms until the patient returned either by itself.

Mumps disease was classified in the "self-limiting disease." Patients should avoid food or drink that is acidic so that pain from getting worse, given the liquid diet and soft diet.

  • Mumps Disease Prevention
Mumps vaccination is part of routine immunization in childhood, namely immunization MMR (mumps, morbili, rubella) given by injection at the age of 15 months. MMR immunization can also be given to adolescents and adults who have not had Mumps. This immunization does not cause heat or other symptoms. Simply eating foods that contain iodine levels, can reduce the risk of mumps disease attack.

Elephant Leg Disease (Filariasis atau Elephantiasis)

Elephant foot belonged to an infectious disease caused by Filaria worms that are transmitted after being bitten mosquitoes, the parasite will spread and when it comes to network lympa it will grow and become the disease. The disease is widely available in tropical regions. According to information from WHO, the order states that there are people develop the disease elephantiasis is South Asia (India and Bangladesh), Africa, the Pacific and the Americas. Later many of them occur in Thailand and Indonesia (Southeast Asia). The nature of the disease is chronic and if they do not get treatment can make a permanent defect in the form of enlargement of the legs, arms and genitals of both women and men. Elephant foot disease is not deadly, but for people to be something very shameful.

  • Elephant Leg Disease Transmission
Transmitted by mosquitoes which suck the blood of someone who had been infected previously. Infected blood and contain larvae will be transmitted to another person when an infected mosquito bite or suck the blood of the person. Filariasis can be transmitted by 23 species of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia, Aedes & Armigeres. Because of this, filariasis can spread very quickly.

  • Signs and Symptoms of Disease Elephantiasis
Infected people usually occurs in childhood, and in a long time (many years) began to be felt development. Acute symptoms that may occur include :

• Fever over and over for 3-5 days, fever may be lost when the break and came back after working hard.

• Swollen lymph nodes (without any injury), groin area, armpits (lymphadenitis), which looks red, hot and painful.

• Inflammation of lymph channels that feels hot and pain radiating from the base of the foot or base of the arm towards the end (retrograde lymphangitis).

• filarial abscess due to often suffer from swollen lymph nodes, it can burst and release pus and blood.

• Enlargement of the legs, arms, breasts, testicles that look a little flushed and feels hot (early lymphodema).

  • Elephant Leg Disease Diagnostic Examination
The disease is usually detected through microscopic examination of blood, until today it is still considered difficult. Various methods of examination conducted to diagnose the disease elephantiasis. Among them is the system Penjaringan membrane, method of Knott concentration and deposition technique.

Inspection method which is closer towards the diagnosis and recognized by the WHO is by way of examination system "test card", This is extremely sensitive to detect the spread of the parasite (larvae) by taking samples of finger prick blood droplets at a time when the system does not have any time at night.

The purpose of early treatment of patients with elephantiasis disease is killing parasites or larvae which develop in the patient's body, so that the transmission rate can be reduced and reduced. Dietilkarbamasin (diethylcarbamazine (DEC)) is the only drug for filariasis is a powerful and malayi filariasis bancrofti, is makrofilarisidal and mikrofilarisidal. The drug is relatively cheap, safe and no drug resistance. Patients who get this drug therapy may have local and systemic adverse reactions are temporary and easily treated with symptomatic medication. Dietilkarbamasin not be used for khemoprofilaksis. Treatment is given orally after dinner, is absorbed rapidly, reaching peak concentration in blood within 3 hours, and excreted through urine. Dietilkarbamasin not be given to children younger than 2 years, pregnant / lactating, and patients with severe pain or in a weak state.

  • Disease Prevention elephantiasis
For people with elephantiasis disease are expected to check the medicine and get the handling of drugs so as not to spread the infection to other people. In addition, the need for education and the introduction of disease to patients and residents surrounding infected.
Eradication of mosquitoes each region is very important to break the transmission chain of this disease. Maintain environmental hygiene is of paramount importance to prevent the development of mosquitoes in the area.